
Palestinian oil lamp holders

From the table next to sarcophagus 17 and from the quadrangular mound with table related to tombs 20 and 21 of the Columbaris cemetery area you have some pottery fragments (fig. 1) which have been interpreted as Palestinian lamp holders.

Fig. 1 - Columbaris, cemetery area: lamp holder fragments (from GIUNTELLA et al. 1985, p. 78, fig. 70).

Those light orange clay items are three-cone in shape with pitted walls before baking, and opening which the oil lamp goes through. They were found in funerary contexts linked to the refrigerium rite. The assumption is that they held oil lamps of different kinds: the fragment of a glass example (fig. 2) from Cornus, also produced in the east, trunk-conic in shape (fig. 3) is referable to between the IV and V century A.D. That item is easily associated with the lamp holder dated between the IV and VI century A.D.

Fig. 2 - Columbaris, cemetery area: glass fragment corresponding to the shape Isings 134 (from ISINGS 1957, p. 162).
Fig. 3 - Glass lamp Shape 134 fragment corresponding to the shape Isings 134 (from GIUNTELLA et al. 1985 Tab. XLI, fig. 236).

The fragments have an eastern comparison in three lamp holders found in Palestine (fig. 4) and others found all over the eastern Mediterranean basin, in Syria and Tunisia and in the Italian one of the catacomb of S. Giovanni in Syracuse.

Fig. 4 - Palestinian lamp holder (from GIUNTELLA et al. 1985, p. 78, fig. 71).



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