Burial of Patriga
157 tombs were found in the oriental cemetery area of Columbaris (figs. 1-3), of which only 9 of the "capcuchin” type. That group includes tomb no. 80 formed by roof tiles creating two sloping parts (fig. 4). It is the burial of a young woman who probably died aged 25, about 1.55 cm tall, laid flat with her head towards the East. Traces of coal were found under her knees, hypothesising the custom of lighting ritual fires or that of adding perfumed burned branches to the deposition.
The deceased person's high social ranking is deducible from her clothes and the careful deposition of grave goods in the tomb. In her hair, the woman had a large silver pin (fig. 5), with her name engraved on it — Patriga — and under her head threads of the same metal were found probably referable to the mesh holding up her hair, and the material of a cushion her head would have laid on; a silver and bronze fibula (fig. 6) typical of the VI-VII century which must have been pinned to her chest to close a cloak. Next to her body, a pottery cup dated between the end of the IV and mid V century and a glass unquentarium from the III-VI A.D. Based on data acquired, it was possible to date that deposition between the end of the VI and the VII century A.D. that is during the last period the funerary area was used.

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