Detailed sheets

Hill of Corchinas: sections of the walls

A semi-circular wall was found around the hill of Corchinas; built on polygonal local phonolite blocks. This stood on the slope of the Campu ’e Corra plateau and was about 6.5 km long. On the south-western slopes they found a trapezoidal plant tower (fig. 1), interpreted by Taramelli as a wall adjustment to the hill protrusions.

Fig. 1 - Topographical reconstruction of Cornus: no. 3 - Tower of Tunchìo (from ZUCCA 1988, p. 35, fig. 2).

The plateau was accessed through three gates: the one to the North from Iscala de su Campu ’e Corra, the southern one from Torturiga and the third from the area mid-way between the nuraghi Muradissa and Ameddosu. They found rectangular chambers alongside each entrance and several fragments of Punic pottery which led to them being considered as military guardhouses. Then the structures were not given a certain date and according to A. Taramelli could date to the Byzantine Period.

Along the hill's southern slope, an area was surveyed (fig. 2) and produced a segment composed of four rows of overlapped basalt blocks (fig. 3), 4 metres long and about 2 high, probably referable to a wider defence circuit. The assumption is that it is prior to the VII century, last period of the settlement.

Fig. 2 - Corchinas: dig areas, no. 4 - location of the basalt wall segment (from FANTAUZZI, DE VINCENZO 2013, p. 7, fig. 9).
Fig. 3 - Wall section in basalt blocks (from FANTAUZZI, DE VINCENZO 2013, p. 14, fig. 23).


  • A. M. GIUNTELLA, Cornus I.1. L'area cimiteriale orientale = Mediterraneo tardoantico e medievale. Scavi e ricerche, 13. 1, Oristano 1999, p. 20.
  • C. B. FANTAUZZI, S. DE VINCENZO, Indagini archeologiche nell’antica Cornus (OR). Le campa-gne di scavo 2010 - 2011, The Journal of Fasti Online folder 2013-275, pp. 1-16.
  • P. G. SPANU, La Sardegna bizantina tra VI e VII secolo, Oristano 1998, p. 97.
  • A. TARAMELLI, Cuglieri. Ricerche ed esplorazioni nell’antica Cornus, in Atti dell'Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Notizie degli scavi di antichità, 15, pp. 285-331.
  • R. ZUCCA, Osservazioni sulla storia e la topografia di Cornus, in AA. VV., Ampsicora e il territorio di Cornus. Atti del II Convegno sull'archeologia romana e altomedievale nell'Ori-stanese (Cuglieri, 22 dicembre 1985) = Mediterraneo tardoantico e medievale. Scavi e ricerche, 6, Taranto 1988, pp. 31-57.

