Detailed sheets

Enchytrismos tombs

There are several  tomb types in the cemetery areas of Columbaris (figs. 1-2). Some going continuously from the IV to the VII century A.D., period during which the cemetery was used. Of the 157 tombs analysed there are 14 enchytrismos. Amphorae burials continued during the entire period the area was used.

Fig. 1 - Reconstruction of the funeral area (from Cornus I.1, p. 203, Tab. IV).
Fig. 2 - Map of the Columbaris-Cornus complex with indication of stages and sectors (drawing by L. SALADINO, M. C. SOMMA, from Cornus I.1, p. 200, tab. II).

Enchytrismos tombs (fig. 3) are burials in amphorae placed in a ditch dug in the rocky slope, where the deceased is usually a child. Amphorae are used in various ways: as a container holding the body, established when babies were buried (t. 101); as a coverage element they could be reduced into fragments arranged to recompose the item's shape, or used together with fictile fragments of various types. Use of transport containers could have a symbolic value representing the deceased's last journey, seeing as how when first used the amphora transported other products.

Fig. 3 - Drawing of two enchytrismos (from Cornus I.1, p. 213, fig. 82).


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