In the funerary area of the central crypt of Sant’Eulalia we also found three fragments of rosaries with wooden and bronze beads, both intact and in fragments (figs. 1-4).
One specimen has wooden or bone beads, while the chain and medals are bronze, dividing the seven sequences of just as many beads. Supported by another two beads, the larger medal portrays a human bust and is like a pendant.
The recurring number seven connects to the cult of Our Lady of the Seven Sorrows, deeply felt from the XVI century and linked to the functions of Good Friday.
The legend shows creation in about 1212 when St Dominic of Guzmán, in Toulouse, invoked the Virgin Mary to show him the way to win his battle against heresy peacefully and she appeared to him and gave him the rosary. In fact, the object refers to a garland of roses, typical of the Madonna.

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- V. J. KOUDELKA, s.v. San Domenico, fondatore dell’ORDINE DEI FRATI PREDICATORI, santo, in Bibliotheca Santorum, IV, Roma 1995, coll. 692-727.
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