
Pottery from Montelupo Fiorentino

The central crypt of the Sant’Eulalia archaeological area also included scarce fragments of pottery from Montelupo Fiorentino, a Tuscan centre famous for its ceramic production. One of the finds (fig. 1) is probably from an open tableware item (plate).

Fig. 1 - Montelupo Pottery from S. Eulalia (AFS; in STACCA 2002, fig. 60b, p. 118).

Its surfaces are waterproofed by an opaque white enamel (made of alkaline silicate and a mixture of lead oxide and tin oxide) but it is only decorated with parallel blue and yellow bands and brown and light blue brush strokes on the inside. A hypothesis is that the decoration could be part of the “vine leaf” type (used all through the XVII century) or belong to the type “figured with orange band” (end XVI - first half XVII century, figs. 2-3).

Fig. 2 - Majolica plate from Montelupo Fiorentino - 1590-1620 (BERTI 1998, Tav. 319, p. 378).
Fig. 3 - Montelupo Pottery from Vico III Lanusei (CARTA 2006, fig. 138, p. 209).

The Montelupo production – considered an indicator of trade between Sardinia and Tuscany in the XV-XVIII centuries (fig. 4) – provides an element needed to date the central Sant’Eulalia crypt it was found in.

Fig. 4 - Majolica basin from Montelupo Fiorentino -1730-1760 - (BERTI 1998, Tav. 366, p. 399).


  • BERTI, F. 1998. Storia della ceramica di Montelupo. Uomini e fornaci in un centro di produzione dal XIV al XVIII. II, Le ceramiche da mensa dal 1480 alla fine del XVIII secolo, Montelupo Fiorentino: Aedo, pp. 198, 214, 378, 397, 399.
  • CARTA, R. 2006. Maiolica di Montelupo, In R. Martorelli & D. Mureddu eds., Archeologia urbana a Cagliari. Scavi in Vico III Lanusei (1996-1997), Cagliari: Scuola Sarda Editrice, pp. 203-213.
  • STACCA, L. 2002. Ceramica medievale e moderna, n. 60, In MARTORELLI, R. & MUREDDU, D. eds. 2002, Cagliari, le radici di Marina: dallo scavo archeologico di S. Eulalia un progetto di ricerca formazione e valorizzazione, Cagliari: Scuola Sarda, pp. 118, 122 (pp. 117-122).
