Pottery with metal sheen
Under the southern chapel where the only remaining side crypt is still visible, some layers were brought to the light which yielded fragments of Iberian pottery from the XIV century, including the really interesting majolica ones with shiny, blue decorations (figs. 1-2). Their restoration enabled recomposition of a hemispherical cup (fig. 3). The decorative motif has eight branches: four ending with as many leaves, oval and ribbed, in blue surrounded by shiny beads; the other four, smaller in size, iridescent in colour were made using the same metal coating. Spaces are filled by diamond-shapes containing motives brought out by leaving them uncoloured.

The specimen found in Sant'Eulalia shows close similarities to a cup from Valencia (fig. 4b) from the first half of the XIV century belonging to the so-called Pula Fund (group of artefacts found in the town of the same name and kept in the Cagliari Art Gallery, fig. 4a), whose characteristic is a slightly faded sheen (sheen is a metal coating with the characteristic iridescent colouring formed mainly by a mixture of copper and silver spread over the item's surface).

That Iberian tableware is fully a part of what can be considered a luxury production and which, despite high costs, was distributed widely from the very first contacts with the Catalan and Aragonese.
- R. COSTANTINI, Le ceramiche medievali rivestite: le produzioni smaltate e la ceramica graffita, in Ad mensam, pp. 263-318.
- N. CUOMO DI CAPRIO, Ceramica in archeologia 2. Antiche tecniche di lavorazione e moderni metodi di indagine, Roma 2007.
- R. MARTORELLI, La ceramica del periodo bizantino e medievale, in Ceramiche. Storia, linguaggio, prospettive, Nuoro 2007, pp. 75-87.
- F. PINNA, Frammenti di storia sotto S. Eulalia. I risultati delle campagne di scavo 1990-1992, in MARTORELLI, MUREDDU 2002a, pp. 33-54.
- M. F. PORCELLA, La ceramica, in AA.VV., Pinacoteca Nazionale di Cagliari. Catalogo, I, Cagliari 1988, pp. 177-202.