The earth layers covering the Late Antiquity district of Sant’Eulalia also revealed a bone artefact (fig. 1) characterised by a cannula with three rings overlapped in the upper part followed by a protruding ring at one end. It is holed inside and on the outer surface, at the opposite end, three series of the same number of holes.
It is assumed that the item was used for embroidery and/or women's activities in general, or was used to transform soft pastes (mixtures), to regulate insertion of liquids.
It is now displayed in the archaeological area of Sant’Eulalia, in the display cabinet of items found in the crypt amongst the burial layers (figs. 2-3).
- A. SOGOS, Siringa, n. 93, in D. MARTORELLI, D. MUREDDU (a cura di), Cagliari, le radici di Marina: dallo scavo archeologico di S. Eulalia un progetto di ricerca formazione e valorizzazione, Cagliari 2002, pp. 147-148.