Stone thresholds
Some domus built on the site of Sant’Eulalia have a threshold made from a quadrangular monolithic block, raised from floor level (figs. 1-3).

This element enabled a more complete planimetric reading of the building both because it was possible to place its entrance, and for all the structural details deducible from the single structure. As the door was not found, the limen (threshold) appears to be the only clue proving the presence of the ianua, true door to the domus, facing the road directly.
It was about 1.8m wide and, based on those measurements, we could hypothesise a frame with two doors, supported by postes (jambs) still visible in situ and hinged to the two holes formed on the short sides of the block's upper surface, to house the relative hinges.
- P. J. ADAM, L’arte di costruire presso i romani. Materiali e tecniche, Milano 1989, pp. 318-321.
- C. CASTRONOVI, P. RESCIO (a cura di), La vita quotidiana in Basilicata nell’età romana, I Quaderni dR. Documentazione Regionale N.S. Potenza: Consiglio Regionale di Basilicata, pp. 45-73.
- F. PINNA, Frammenti di storia sotto S. Eulalia. I risultati delle campagne di scavo 1990-1992, in R. MARTORELLI, D. MUREDDU (a cura di), Cagliari, le radici di Marina: dallo scavo archeologico di S. Eulalia un progetto di ricerca formazione e valorizzazione, Cagliari 2002, pp. 33-54.