House with flights of stairs and latrine
The house standing South of the paved Sant’Eulalia road and from the same period has special details which help identify the social condition of the population living in that district during the IV century A.D. Environments were distributed over two floors connected by flights of stone stairs (figs. 1-3).

Fig. 1 - House to N-E: stairs connecting the upper floor (photo by AFS).

Fig. 2 - House to N-E: first flight and landing with latrine (photo by AFS).
The wealth of its owners was certainly proved by the possibility to own an inner courtyard with a private well and a latrine on the landing (fig. 3) linked directly to the sewer system by a canal.

Fig. 3 - House to N-E: limestone latrine on the landing between the two flights of stairs in a house (photo by Unicity S.p.A.).
The masonry is characterised by squared limestone blocks in different sizes, bound by cement mortar (opus quadratum). Stone stairs are a rarity because they were usually made with perishable materials.
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- A. M. COLAVITTI, C. TRONCHETTI, Guida archeologica di Cagliari. Sardegna archeologica. Guide e itinerari, Sassari 2003, p. 38.
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