Stone artefact decorated with a “fiery eyes” pattern (Thomes)
Among the material elements recovered from the giants’ tomb of Thomes there was a stone fragmented object (dimensions: 7.5x4.4 cm), of indefinable shape, perhaps a quadrangular plate, consisting of two straight parts which fit together (fig. 1).

The piece is characterised by a decoration made with a punch, which consists of small circles with a central point called "fiery eyes" decoration.
The "fiery eyes" decoration was very common in Sardinia both in prehistoric- proto-historic ages and the medieval age; it was frequent on objects made of bone, stone, ceramic, bronze, and was used for a long period of time, and in different cultural environments, ranging from the early second millennium B.C. to the sixth-seventh century A.D.

The artefact is on display in the Archaeological Museum of Dorgali.
- BAGELLA S., Lucerna cuoriforme-scheda 38, in MORAVETTI A., ALBA L., FODDAI L. (a cura di), La Sardegna Nuragica. Storia e materiali, Sassari 2014, pag. 261.
- LILLIU G., Arte e religione della Sardegna prenuragica, Sassari 1999, p.141.
- MORAVETTI A., Tombe di giganti nel Dorgalese, in Dorgali. Documenti Archeologici, Sassari 1980, p. 98, Tav. XXX.9.
- PULACCHINI D., Serra Orrios e i monumenti archeologici di Dorgali, Sardegna Archeologica. Guide e itinerari, 27, Sassari 1998, p. 39.
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