The territory of Dorgali during the Phoenician-Punic Age
There is some evidence to date allowing the recognition of a Phoenician-Punic presence in the territory of Dorgali, which however is not sufficient in order to hypothesise the existence of a port along the coast.
Archaeologist Ferruccio Barreca, who explored the East Coast in 1966, recognized in the pottery fragments and structural remains of the two Roman buildings of the Nuraghe Mannu (fig. 1) an older Punic construction phase, found, moreover, also in the nearby village of Nuragheddu and on Monte Tului.

To this the discovery of three Punic coins in the sites of Motorra and Thomes should be added, these are attributed to the Sardinia mint (300-264 B.C.), and of necklace glass paste beads from the Nuraghic graves of Biristeddi I and Pranos, from the shelters under the rock of Ispinigoli and Littu, Sos Tusorzos, Balu Virde and Flumineddu. Two imported ceramic fragments concerning a Massaliote amphora recovered from the cave of Sos Sirios and an eastern Greek cup with painted bottom found in the Nuraghic village of Oroviddo (580-480 B.C.), prove the existence of relations with the Greek-eastern world, where the Carthaginians may have played the role of commercial intermediaries (figs. 2, 3).

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