Reuse of the Giants’ tombs of Thomes during later periods
The finds (fig. 2) and the structural remains discovered in the tomb of Thomes (fig. 1), document how a Historic Period village was founded on the site over the following centuries, which lasted from Roman times to the Early Middle Ages (III century B.C.-VI/VII century A.D.).

The tomb’s inhabitation during the Early Medieval Age could be justified by the proximity of the two medieval villages of Nurule and Isarle (fig. 3).

The phenomenon of re-using the burial chamber of the giants’ tombs during successive centuries within the island is well documented, for example, in the giants’ tomb of Osono near Triei (fig. 4), which has yielded remains from Roman Imperial Times (III century A.D.), and in the chamber of the giants’ tomb 2 of Iloi near Sedilo (figs. 5, 6), whose use lasted up until the early Middle Ages (eighth century A.D.).

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