The burial chamber of the Giants’ tomb of Thomes
The monument in Thomes consists of a long rectangular burial chamber (length 10.9 m; width 0.80 m; height 1.5 m), which may be accessed from the door in the lower pane of the arched stele (figs. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5).
The walls of the room consist of large slabs of stones planted knife-wise in the ground, and the roofing is also made of the same type of slabs, three of which are still in their original position, while two others were found overturned at the side of the tomb. The burial chamber narrows near the entrance, almost forming a small passage, characterised by two smaller roof slabs placed at a level which is significantly lower than the ones used as cover.
The floor, affected in the past by previous illegal excavations, still has traces of paving tiles.

- MORAVETTI A., Serra Orrios e i monumenti archeologici di Dorgali, Sardegna Archeologica. Guide e itinerari, 26, Sassari 1998, pp. 75-78, figg. 61-64.
- MORAVETTI A. (a cura di), Carbonia-Fonni, in La Sardegna. I Tesori dell’Archeologia, La Biblioteca della Nuova Sardegna, vol. 3, Sassari 2011, pp. 90-91.