
Necklace beads (Li Muri)

The necklaces from the necropolis of Li Muri, personal ornaments relating to women's clothing, were made of different colours and types of beads (figs. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7), found scattered throughout the cemetery area, and only reassembled afterwards.

Three types of necklaces have been identified (oblong, sub cylindrical and discoidal shapes), which are morphologically distinct, with a hole at one end.

The characteristic shape of the oblong beads, also called "olive-shaped", can be compared with necklace elements which were supposedly traded around the central and western Mediterranean Sea by the Mycenaean and Cretan people.

The import of raw materials from the island of Crete has been suggested for the soapstone necklaces of Li Muri.

Figs. 1, 2, 3 - Necklaces with olive-shaped beads (from ANTONA 2013, p. 79 e p. 81).
Figs. 4, 5 - Necklaces with cylindrical beads (from ANTONA 2013, p. 80).
Figs. 6, 7 - Necklace with schist beads and soapstone pendant (from ANTONA 2013, p. 78).

The artefacts are kept at the National Archaeological Museum of Cagliari.


  • ANTONA A., Arzachena. Pietre senza tempo, Sassari 2013, pp. 78-81.
