
Askoid Jug (Nuraghic complex of La Prisgiona / Prisciona)

The nuraghic complex of La Prisgiona in the territory of Arzachena (fig. 1) has given us a jug of the so-called "askoid type" or "askoid jug", that is a container equipped with a single handle, an asymmetrical body and an inclined neck.

Fig. 1 - The Nuraghe complex with La Prisgiona village (from MORAVETTI, ALBA, FODDAI 2014, p. 14).

The askoid jug was a part of home environments, places of worship and meeting areas, certainly for ceremonial use, and presumably employed to contain a beverage (figs. 2, 3).

Fig. 2 - Askoid jug (from FOIS 2014, p. 238).
Fig. 3 - Side view of the find (from ANTONA 2013, p. 60).

The handle is decorated with notches arranged in a "herringbone" pattern which alternates with imprinted dots. Below the lower joint of the handle, there are seven further big etched dots (fig. 4).

Fig. 4 - Detail of the handle (from ANTONA 2013, p. 60).

The artefact, dated to the ninth and eighth centuries B.C., is exhibited at the National Archaeological Museum G.A. Sanna of Sassari.


  • ANTONA A., Arzachena. Pietre senza tempo, Sassari 2013, p. 42-63.
  • FOIS A., Brocca askoide-scheda 47, in MORAVETTI A., ALBA E., FODDAI L. (a cura di), La Sardegna Nuragica. Storia e materiali, Sassari 2014, pag. 238.
  • CAMPUS F, LEONELLI V., La tipologia della ceramica nuragica. Il materiale edito, Viterbo 2000, p. 396, n. 676, 21, 1, tav. 232, n. 3.
