Detailed sheets

The allées couvertes and the "cista" of tomb n. 5

The fifth tomb in the necropolis of Li Muri (fig. 1) is a chamber tomb from the Bronze Age similar to an allée couverte (from the French "covered corridor").

The structure of the mound only develops on three sides; fragments of slabs similar to those of the cista in the adjacent circles can be seen between its stones.

This detail, together with the recovery of several soapstone necklace beads outside the tomb, leads us to consider that the chamber tomb may have been built over a previous cista.

Fig. 1 - Arzachena, Necropolis of Li Muri, tomb 5 (photo by Unicity S.p.A.).

The funerary monument for collective burials consists of a rectangular tunnel (a stretched dolmen ), defined by slabs placed like teeth, arranged in two parallel rows and closed on top by slabs positioned horizontally.

In Sardinia, the evolution of these structures (fig. 2) leads to the construction of huge dolmen tombs with arched stele during the Early and Middle Bronze Ages.

Fig. 2 - Area with menhir and allée couverte, in Corte Noa di Laconi (NU) (from

This type of tomb is typical of the megalithic phenomenon, widespread in Western Europe from the end of the fifth millennium B.C., and characterised precisely by the use of large stones in funerary architecture (fig. 3).

Fig. 3 - Allée couverte de l’île Grande (from


  • ANTONA A., Arzachena. Pietre senza tempo, Sassari 2013, pp. 72-83.
