Greek influence: the squat Lekythos from the area of Su Nuraxi
During the dig of rooms vv and oo in the South-East of the bastion of the Nuragic site of Su Nuraxi, imported pottery made in Attica was found, linked to the presence of Punic populations in the Nuragic site (fig. 1).

Fig. 1 - Layout of the Su Nuraxi site (by Paglietti 2013, fig. 6, page 64).
Attributable to the Punic-Roman phase (5th century B.C. – 3rd century A.D.) there are two squat lekythos made in Attica with red figures (5th century B.C.), decorated with a nine-leaf palm (figs 2, 3).

Fig. 2 - Squat Lekythos with red figures, hut vv, Su Nuraxi (from Lilliu, Zucca 1988, fig. 34, p. 62).

Fig. 3 - Squat Lekythos with red figures, hut oo, Su Nuraxi (from Lilliu, Zucca 1988, fig. 35, p. 62).
The diffusion of Attica pottery in Sardinian Nuragic locations, attributed to Punic trade, possibly with Etruscan intervention, shows a greater presence of Blackware, especially in the period of the 5th century B.C., compared to that of figure-ware.
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