Detailed sheets

The Roman house and the Marfudi complex

One of the known Roman settlements in the Barumini area, Marfudi, takes up about three hectares to the NorthEast/East/South of the Nuraghe of the same name (fig. 1).

Fig. 1 - Archaeological map of the area of Barumini: n. 4 Roman settlement of Marfudi (from Lilliu, Zucca 1988, fig. 1, p. 6).

In the 1940s the site underwent archaeological digs, that brought to light the ruins of a trapezoid-shaped Roman house (5.50/5.75x5.35 metres, wall thickness 0.60 meters), located a few metres to the East of the nuraghe. The wall structure is made of basalt stones cemented with mud mortar; the roof was covered with flat and rounded tiles. The house is divided into four rooms, two at the front (living room and store room) and two raised areas at the back (kitchen and bedroom) that could be accessed by a step (figs. 2, 3). Inside were animal and carbon remains, fragments of lead and pottery used in the home, which were used to calculate a period of use from the Late Republic Age and 1st century A.D.

Fig. 2 - Layout and section of the Roman house of Marfudi (from Lilliu 1946, fig. 6, p. 190).
Fig. 3 - Detail of room A of the Roman house of Marfudi (from Lilliu 1946, fig. 7, p. 191).



  • LILLIU G., Barumini (Cagliari). Saggi stratigrafici presso i nuraghi di Su Nuraxi e Marfudi; «vicus» di S. Lussoriu e necropoli romana di Su Luargi, in Notizie degli Scavi, VII, serie VII, 1946, pp. 185-198.
  • LILLIU G., ZUCCA R., Su Nuraxi di Barumini, Sardegna archeologica, Guide e Itinerari, Sassari 1988, pp. 15-17.
