The interior areas of the huts in Su Nuraxi were the site of customary activities such as weaving. This activity, mostly carried out by women, allow thread fibres (wool and vegetable fibres) to be transformed into fabrics by the orthogonal weaving of threads. Clay loom weights are rarely found in Nuragic contexts (these are of a truncated cone, pyramid shape and have only one suspension hole), which are used to ensure the tautness of the threads on the looms. Nuragic people probably used a type of loom that did not require counterweights (figs. 1, 2, 3).

Fig. 1 - Loom weight from the Nuragic site of Palmavera, Alghero (photo by Pinna P.P., RAS Photographic Archive).

Fig. 2 - Truncated-pyramid shape Nuragic loom weights with single holes, found in Sardinia (from Melis 2014, table XX).

Fig. 3 - Truncated-pyramid shape Nuragic loom weights, found in Sardinia (from Melis 2014, table XXI).
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