The meeting room (hut 80)
In Barumini, one of the most important huts of the Nuragic village, dating to the Upper Nuragic I Era (12th-9th century B.C.), is hut 80 (fig. 1).

This is a large circular building (external diameter 9.70 metres) made from basalt and limestone marl blocks, that has a bench around the perimeter, and 5 niches in the walls (fig. 2).

Several artefacts have been found inside the hut that can be traced to the use of the room as a place of social representation and ritual ceremony: a trapezoid-shaped bowl made of limestone marl, a circular basin in sandstone and a stone model of the Nuraghe in limestone marl (fig. 3).

During the Punic Age (5th century B.C.) the creation of the walls inside the room, interpreted as elements for narrowing the space, meant the niches were hidden.
The dig in the archaeological area have brought to light different layers of Punic and Nuragic presence, containing ashes and coals, animal remains, pottery, coins, and craft-made bronze and stone artefacts.
- BAGELLA S., Modellino di nuraghe - scheda 8, in MORAVETTI A., ALBA L., FODDAI L. (a cura di), La Sardegna Nuragica. Storia e materiali, Sassari 2014, p. 462.
- LILLIU G., ZUCCA R., Su Nuraxi di Barumini, Sardegna archeologica, Guide e Itinerari, Sassari 1988.
- SANTONI V., Il nuraghe Su Nuraxi di Barumini, Guide e Studi, Quartu Sant’Elena 2001.
- TRUDU E., Il nuraghe Su Nuraxi di Barumini, in MINOJA M., SALIS G., USAI L. (a cura di), L'isola delle torri: Giovanni Lilliu e la Sardegna nuragica. Catalogo della mostra, Sassari 2015, p. 399.