Detailed sheets

Hut 135 and its contents

A collection of sacred pottery items containing ashes, coal, remains of birds, hares, rabbits and deer antlers used for ritual sacrifice offerings bear witness to the oldest foundation rituals from the Nuragic area of Su Nuraxi (fig. 1).

Fig. 1 - Pottery materials from the Lower Nuragic age found in wells A, B, C, E, F, G in hut 135 (from Paglietti 2012, fig. 3, p. 221).

The deposit of items was discovered inside eight wells dug into the natural rock floor, brought to light at the base of room 135, that Giovanni Lilliu attributed to the Lower Nuragic I Age (Final Bronze Age 1150-1000 B.C.). One of the most important structures in the Nuragic village dating to this period is hut 135, dug between 1954 and 1971 (figs. 2, 3).

Fig. 2 - Su Nuraxi of Barumini. Layout of the village and location of hut 135 (From Paglietti 2012, fig. 1, p. 217).
Fig. 3 - Giovanni Lilliu leads the dig of hut 135 in the village of Su Nuraxi in Barumini (from

This has a sub-rectangular structure (5.90 x 2.40 metres), with an entrance on the long Eastern side. Based on the items found, the structure (fig. 4) is attributed to the Upper Nuragic I Era (1000-900 B.C.).

Fig. 4 - Barumini, Su Nuraxi. Room 135: pottery, mills and pestles (From Lilliu, Zucca 1988, fig. 21, p. 44).



  • LILLIU G., Il nuraghe di Barumini e la stratigrafia nuragica, in Studi Sardi, XII-XIII (1952-1954), Sassari 1955.
  • LILLIU G., ZUCCA R., Su Nuraxi di Barumini, Sardegna archeologica, Guide e Itinerari, Sassari 1988.
  • PAGLIETTI G., Modalità di aggregazione delle capanne circolari nel villaggio di Su Nuraxi di Barumini, in La preistoria e la protostoria della Sardegna, Atti della XLIV Riunione Scienti?ca, Istituto Italiano di Preistoria e Protostoria, vol. II, Firenze 2012, pp. 745-750.
  • SANTONI V., Il nuraghe Su Nuraxi di Barumini, Guide e Studi, Quartu Sant’Elena 2001, pp. 69-81.
