The Milestones
In 1975, in Bonorva, during an emergency dig carried out in Mura Menteda, a square grey trachyte milestone was found (fig. 1).

It was part of the a Karalibus Olbiam road, i.e. the branch of the a Karalibus Turrem road that began close to Bonorva (fig. 2).
The numbering of the miles that specify the distance from Karales, milia passuum CXV (169,970 Km), is engraved on the front.

The milestone carries the name of the Emperor (Flavius Iulius Constans beatissimus Caesar) and the governor of Sardinia who organized the dedication (Flavius Titanus), but the type of road, the indication of its conditions and the type of work carried out are missing (fig. 3).
This is therefore an honorary milestone, i.e. and act of reverence by the Sardinian governor towards the Emperor Constans (fig. 4).
It is dated between 333 and 335 A.D.

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- TETTI V., Appunti sulle strade romane nella zona di Bonorva (Sassari), in Studi Sardi, 23, Sassari 1974, pp. 3-23.
- TETTI V., Il tracciato della strada romana per Olbia in agro di Mores, Ittireddu e la stazione di Hafa, in Bollettino dell'Associazione. Archivio Storico Sardo di Sassari, 9, Sassari 1983, pp. 189-199.