Detailed sheets

The three building phases

The megaron 2 temple (fig. 1) was built in a period of time between the 15th and 9th centuries B.C.
At the start of the Recent Bronze Age, a rectangular temple was built, characterised by stone doors in front of the temple, and the interior divided into two rooms, with a rear apse.

Fig. 1 - Aerial view of the megaron 2 temple (photo by Unicity S.p.A.).

During a second construction phase, that can be dated during the Late Bronze Age, the building façade was walled, and a spacious perimeter was added, the temenos, where religious rituals took place, with a bench around the entire internal peri¬meter made from large river stones (fig. 2), with a south-facing entrance and the three architraved entrances to the temple in line. Also, a special altar-fireplace (fig. 3) was created in the semi-circular room in the rear.

During the Iron Age, the third building phase, two additional rectangular rooms were added, with the entrance on the right side of the temenos, together with another two small rectangular rooms, also on the right side of the religious perimeter, but with an external entrance.

Fig. 2 - The bench around the temenos (photo by Unicity S.p.A.).
Fig. 3 - General view of the temple interior. Detail in background of reconstruction of the altar-fireplace found in the apse room (photo by Unicity S.p.A.)


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