Detailed sheets

Room D

The last room inside the megaron 1 temple (fig. 1) is accessed through a square corridor (size: length 1.10 metres; width 1.10 metres) with sloping walls. The room is sub-rectangular in shape (size: length 2/2.60 metres; width 3.40 metres).

Fig. 1 - Megaron 1 temple plans (from FADDA 2012, fig. 9 page 10).

The walls are still strongly sloping, in spite of the fact that smaller size stones and lithic slabs were used to build them (fig. 2)

Fig. 2 - Interior of the megaron 1 temple. Room D in the background (photo by Unicity S.p.A.).

Part of the original stone flooring can still be seen. The wall at the back has a small sub-trapezoid shape niche, that is perfectly in line with all the corridors of the temple rooms (fig. 3).

Fig. 3 - View from the top of the megaron 1 temple (photo by Unicity S.p.A.).

Inside the room, in addition to a large granite slab that is thinner towards the ends, some pottery fragments were found that can be seen to be part of cooking pots, cups and bowls.


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