
Amphora with ovoid body

(VI century B.C.?)

The Arbatax sea has returned and keeps on returning evidence of the past. Including the amphorae representing one of the most frequent finds.

Found by Lieutenancy of Arbatax in 1992, this ovoid amphora (fig. 1) with a short flared neck and cylindrical handles, is 53 cm high with a diameter of 42. It is dated, though with some doubts, to the VI century B.C.

For shape and handles, it can be compared to Etruscan amphorae (figs. 3-4), but it differs for the kind of rim, here straight and irregular.

From the end of the VII century B.C., in southern Eturia they began producing amphorae to be used to export the region's wine; this lasted until the III century. These containers were found in several coastal centres of the Italian peninsular and in several wrecks along the coasts.

Fig. 1 - Ovoid amphora from the Arbatax sea (from Salvi et alii 2005, p. 72).
Fig. 2 - Etruscan amphorae, VII-VI century B.C. (from Caravale, Toffoletti 1998, p. 77).
Fig. 3 - Etruscan amphora type Py 1/2, VII-VI century B.C. (from Caravale, Toffoletti 1998, p. 76).
Fig. 4 - Etruscan amphora type Py 4A, V-III century B.C. (from Caravale, Toffoletti 1998, p. 79).



  • A. CARAVALE, I. TOFFOLETTI, Anfore antiche. Conoscerle e identificarle, Atripalda 1998, pp. 76-77.
  • D. SALVI, P. BERNARDINI, M.R. MANUNTZA, G. GASPERETTI, (a cura di L. PUTZU, E. GAUDINA), Tesori riscoperti dalla terra e dal mare: la Guardia di Finanza in Sardegna, Cagliari 2005, p. 72.
