
Amphora Beltran II B

(II century A.D.)

The Arbatax sea has returned and keeps on returning evidence of the past. Including the amphorae representing one of the most frequent finds.

The transport amphora Beltran II B found by the Lieutenancy of Arbatax is 85 cm high and 37.2 cm in diameter. The bottom and a handle are missing (fig. 1).

It has an elongated, pear-shaped body, considerably wider towards the base; narrow neck with no connection with the shoulder and extroflexed rim with wide mouth; belt handles; high tip (figs. 2-3). This type of container was produced in the Betica. The average height in whole examples is about 100-110 cm (fig. 4). This type was produced from the start of the I century A.D. to the middle of the II and was spread throughout the Mediterranean. It was used to transport fish sauces (muria).

Fig. 1 - Amphora Beltrand II B recovered in the Arbatax sea (from Salvi et alii 2005, p. 81).
Fig. 2 - Amphora Beltrand II B (from Caravale, Toffoletti 1998, p. 128).
Fig. 3 - Amphora Beltrand II B (from Caravale, Toffoletti 1998, p. 128).
Fig. 4 - Amphora Beltrand II B from the necropolis of Puerta de Tierra - Cadiz, conserved in the Museum of Cadiz (from Photo D. Bernal).



  • M. BELTRAN LLORIS, Las anforas romanas en Espana, Zaragoza 1970, pag. 436, fig. 172, 3.
  • A. CARAVALE, I. TOFFOLETTI, Anfore antiche. Conoscerle e identificarle, Atripalda 1998, p. 128.
  • D. SALVI, P. BERNARDINI, M.R. MANUNTZA, G. GASPERETTI, (a cura di L. PUTZU, E. GAUDINA), Tesori riscoperti dalla terra e dal mare: la Guardia di Finanza in Sardegna, Cagliari 2005, p. 81.
