
Anforotto (small amphora)

(V-VI A.D.)

The Arbatax sea has returned and keeps on returning evidence of the past. Including the amphorae representing one of the most frequent finds.

The 47 cm high anforotto, with a high, cylindrical neck and short handles connecting the top of the shoulder with the lower part of the neck comes from the Arbatax sea.

Other similar anforotti, probably from the same wreck, but recovered at different times, are kept in the Museum of Villasimius. The example can be compared with some similar containers produced in Siciliy.

Fig. 1 - Anforotto, from the sea at Arbatax (from Salvi et alii 2005, p. 89).
Fig. 2 - Anforotto, Archaeological Museum of Villasimius (photo E. Atzeni).

A large quantity of pottery comes from an Islamic wreck from the X century A.D. found in the water off Cannes, at a depth of 58 m; this includes jarritas (fig. 3) which, for the high neck, recall the anforotto in question.

Fig. 3 - Jarrita from the wreck of Bateguiér (from Sanna, Soro 2013, Tab. II, 4).



  • M. BELTRAN LLORIS, Las anforas romanas en Espana, Zaragoza 1970, pag. 436, fig. 172, 3.
  • A. CARAVALE, I. TOFFOLETTI, Anfore antiche. Conoscerle e identificarle, Atripalda 1998, p. 128.
  • D. SALVI, P. BERNARDINI, M.R. MANUNTZA, G. GASPERETTI, (a cura di L. PUTZU, E. GAUDINA), Tesori riscoperti dalla terra e dal mare: la Guardia di Finanza in Sardegna, Cagliari 2005, p. 89.
  • I. SANNA, L. SORO, Nel mare della Sardegna centro meridionale tra 700 e 1100 d.C. Un contributo dalla ricerca archeologica subacquea, in Settecento-Millecento. Storia, archeologia e arte nei secoli bui del Mediterraneo. Atti del Convegno (Cagliari 17-19 ottobre 2012), II, pp. 761-798.  
