
Greek-Italic amphora

(III century B.C.)

The Arbatax sea has returned and keeps on returning evidence of the past. Including the amphorae representing one of the most frequent finds.

Found by the Lieutenancy of Arbatax in 1992, this Greek-Italic amphora is 55 cm with a diameter of 40.7 cm. (fig. 1). It has a cordiform body distinguished by the shoulder with a marked depression; curbed handles, oblique rim and conical tip (figs. 3-4).

Produced in several centres of Magna Greece and Sicily, Greek-Italic amphorae were used to transport wine, but also olives and grapes.

Fig. 1 - Greek-Italic amphora, from Arbatax (from Salvi et alii 2005, p. 73).
Fig. 2 - Greek-Italic amphora (from Caravale, Toffoletti 1998, p. 88).
Fig. 3 - Greek-Italic amphora (from
Fig. 4 - Greek-Italic amphorae exhibited in the Museum of Lipari (from



  • A. CARAVALE, I. TOFFOLETTI, Anfore antiche. Conoscerle e identificarle, Atripalda 1998, pp. 88-89.
  • D. SALVI, P. BERNARDINI, M.R. MANUNTZA, G. GASPERETTI, (a cura di L. PUTZU, E. GAUDINA), Tesori riscoperti dalla terra e dal mare: la Guardia di Finanza in Sardegna, Cagliari 2005, p. 73.
  • D. SALVI, I. SANNA, L’acqua e il tempo. Prospezioni di archeologia subacquea nelle acque di Gonnesa, Cagliari 2000.  
