Monastery of San Nicola di Trullas: the door
The digs at the Trullas site over the years, in 2002, 2005 and 2006, have allowed identification and definition of the spaces of the monastery next to the church of San Nicola. However, no data has emerged from the studies and remains found that lead us to think of the presence of a direct entrance to the monastery. It also seems unlikely that the entrance to the convent was only through the church, as the transportation of food and other daily necessities for the monks would have created considerable problems. In fact, storerooms for food were necessary in Benedictine convents, where the monks lived a life of prayer and work, often agricultural. In light of these considerations, it may be right to hypothesise that there was a secondary entrance with direct access to the mon-astery storerooms, without having to pass sacks and other bulky goods inside the church, not just small, but also fully decorated with frescoes.