The condaghe
The condaghi were the registers of assets where the monastic communities registered the assets and property of the monastery. Important useful news can be gained reading it by reconstructing the community history, but also of the judges and giudicato institutions. One of these condaghi concerned San Nicola di Trullas, while the others that have been preserved concern the Camaldolese monastery of Santa Maria di Bonarcado (from 12th century) in the giudicato of Arborea, the Vallombrosa abbey of San Michele di Salvenero (from the 12th century) and the female Benedictine abbey of San Pietro di Silki, in Sassari (11th century), both in the giudicato of Torres.
The condaghe of the San Nicola di Trullas monastery collected various deeds about economic life and the assets of the Camaldolese priory between the 12th and 13th centuries (figs. 1-7). On reading it, it can be seen how the monastery assets did not change much from its foundation to the mid 13th century.

(Cagliari University Library).

(Cagliari University Library).

(Cagliari University Library).

- E. BLASCO FERRER, Crestomazia sarda dei primi secoli, vol. 1, Officina linguistica, IV, 4, 2003, Nuoro, 2003.
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