The monastery possessions
San Nicola di Trullas was the centre of a company of a considerable size, second in size and importance only to the Saccargia abbey, one of the Sardinian churches that depended directly on the Camaldoli hermitage, and with sizeable real estate possessions including agricultural land, of about 50-60,000 hectares; there were also a number of servants and maidens, agricultural land, vineyards, orchards and vegetable gardens, meadows, woods and animals of various kinds. The territory stretched from the Semestene valley over a vast area that reached the boundary of the current province of Nuoro, up to the territories of Bòrore, Noragùgume and Sèdilo.

Fig. 1 - Territory of Semestene, a network of ancient roads: in red the Roman and medieval roads, in white the nineteenth century roads (photo from the municipality of Semestene).

Fig. 2 - Territorial boundaries of the municipality of Semestene (photo by the municipality of Semestene).

Fig. 3 - Aerial view of the San Nicola di Trullas complex (photo by Unicity S.p.A.).
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