The library
In the middle ages, each monastery had its own library, with a scriptorium, an area where the sacred writings and the ecclesiastical books were copied by hand (from where the term “amanuensis” comes from). Although the archaeological digs have not yet confirmed it, it can be hypothesised that the San Nicola monastery also had a library, as the Camaldolese order attributed great importance to intellectual life. It would be plausible to imagine the existence of a scriptorium, as the Benedictine monks, spiritual fathers of the Camaldolese order, were masters of copying (figs. 1-3). The amanuensis school at the Camaldoli hermitage (headquarters of the order) was one of the most prestigious in Europe.

Fig. 1 - Camaldolese monastery library at Santa Croce di Fonte Avellana (

Fig. 2 - Medieval Scriptorium (

Fig. 3 - Manuscript of the Camaldolese monastery library at Fonte Avellana (
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