The frescoes in the apsidal arch
There are still fragments of frescoes inside the church of San Nicola di Trullas, that originally extended along the entire wall surface. Currently, the paintings remain in the apsidal part, along the apsidal vault and arch, on the surface of the two cross vaults and finally the arches against the side walls, the apsidal wall and the controfacade.
The apsidal arch (fig. 2) has a number of circles containing prophets that hold cartouches with inscriptions from their books in their hands, which can now only partly be made out (figs. 2-3). There were twelve in all, divided into two groups of six at the sides of a central clipeo (fig. 4), which is no longer legible.

Fig. 1 - The frescoes in the apsidal arch (photo by Unicity S.p.A.).

Fig. 2 - The frescoes in the apsidal arch: it portrays a prophet (photo by Unicity S.p.A.).

Fig. 3 - The frescoes in the apsidal arch: it portrays a prophet (photo by Unicity S.p.A.).

Fig. 4 - Reconstruction of the frescoes in the apsidal arch (visual by Unicity S.p.A.)
- R. CORONEO, R. SERRA, Sardegna preromanica e romanica, Milano 2004, pp. 103-110.
- R. SERRA, In figura Christi. Storie della salvezza nella pittura e nella scultura romaniche in Sardegna, in Studi in onore di Ottorino Pietro Alberti, Cagliari, 1998, pp. 121-141.
- R. SERRA, Gli affreschi romanici della chiesa di San Nicola di Trullas a Semestene, in Medioevo: i modelli, atti del convegno internazionale di studi (Parma 27 settembre - 1° ottobre 1999), a cura di A. C. Quintavalle, Milano, 2002.
- R. SERRA, San Nicola di Trullas, in Sardegna preromanica e romanica, a cura di R. CORONEO E R. SERRA, Milano-Cagliari, 2004.
- A. VIRDIS, San Nicola di Trullas. Gli affreschi, Roma 2014.