The Metals
The complex of Lu Palatzu of Baldu is characterised by a square tower and by seventeen rooms arranged around a large pentagonal courtyard, which may be accessed from the north-eastern side (fig. 1).
Several metal artefacts have been found inside the two rooms called β (beta) and γ (gamma): in the former they mainly consisted of nails and iron awls, while the latter (fig. 2) revealed stirrups and other horse tackle (fig. 3).
The discovery of these metal objects has allowed interpreting the various environments of the complex: mostly used as living quarters and, as in this case, as manufacturing areas.
During the XIII-XIV centuries, this type of metal object was traded between Liguria, Tuscany and Sardinia. It remains unclear whether these objects were imported or a sign of a local production, therefore linked to a manufacturing plant in the area.
- F. PINNA, Un villaggio medioevale nel cuore della Gallura, in Almanacco Gallurese, 10, 2002-2003, pp. 77-84.
- F. PINNA, Organizzazione spaziale e relazioni commerciali di un abitato medievale della Gallura. Nota sugli scavi archeologici nell'area del Palazzo di Baldu (Luogosanto), in Les Habitats insulaires à l’èpoque medievale en Mediterranée, Relation, èchanges, et coopèration en Mediterranée. Actes du 128e Congrés national des sociètès historiques et scientifiques (Bastia, 14-21 aprile 2003), Études Corses, 60, 2005, pp. 85-103.