Detailed sheets

The Diocese of Civita

From the twelfth to the sixteenth century, the territory of the diocese of Civita spread across the northern part of the Giudicato of Gallura, which included within its southern border Fundi de Monte as the last curatorìa, leaving Posada to the diocese of Galtelli (fig. 1). The name of the diocese corresponds to the curatoria of Gallura and to the village of Civita.

Fig. 1 - Subdivision of the dioceses in Sardinia during the Middle Ages (from TURTAS 1999, p. 968).

Sardinia was politically divided into four Giudicati and ecclesiastically in dioceses at least since the eleventh century, these territories had to coincide with those of the Kingdoms, while the metropolitan seats coincided with the residences of the Giudici.

The diocese of Gallura was mentioned for the first time in a 1095 document and included the entire territory of the Giudicato with the same name: the separation presumably took place during the middle of the twelfth century with the establishment of the diocese of Galtelli, in fact the first mention of the Bishop of Civita appears in a document of 1173 (fig. 2).

Fig. 2 - Subdivision of the dioceses in Sardinia during the Middle Ages (from TURTAS 1999, p. 968).

Unlike other districts, the two dioceses of Gallura were directly subjected to direct papal control until 1138, when Pope Innocent III decreed their annexation to the metropolitan see of Pisa (fig. 3).

Fig. 3 - Pisa: Cathedral of Santa Maria Assunta (from

From the 16th century, due to the depopulation of the territory, the diocese of Civita was annexed to Ampurias, that included the historical region of Anglona.


  • G. FLORIS, Signoria, incastellamento e riorganizzazione di un territorio nel tardo Medioevo: il caso della Gallura, tesi di dottorato, Universitat de Barcelona, a.a. 2012-2013, p. 120.
  • D. PANEDDA, Il giudicato di Gallura. Curatorie e centri abitati, Sassari 1978, pp.173-174.
    F. PINNA, Archeologia del territorio in Sardegna. La Gallura tra tarda antichità e medioevo, Cagliari 2008, pp. 94-95.
  • O. SCHENA, Civita e il giudicato di Gallura nella documentazione medioevale. Note diplomatistiche e paleografiche, in G. MELONI, P. F. SIMBULA (a cura di), Da Olbìa ad Olbia: 2500 anni di storia di una città mediterranea. Atti del Convegno internazionale di studi (Olbia 12- 14 maggio 1994), II, Sassari 2004, II, pp. 97-112.
  • P. TOLA, Codice diplomatico della Sardegna, II, Sassari 1984, pp. 191-192, 243-244.
  • R. TURTAS, Storia della Chiesa in Sardegna dalle origini al Duemila, Roma 1999, pp. 179-185, 186, 968.

