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The Giudicato of Gallura

During the Middle Ages the territory of Luogosanto was part of the Giudicato of Gallura and is mentioned for the first time in a letter sent to the Giudici of Torres, Arborea, Cagliari and Gallura (fig. 1) by Gregory VII on 14th October, 1073.

Fig. 1 - Map of the Sardinian Giudicati (from

The Giudicati were fully-fledged self-organised small states, divided into smaller districts, called Curatorie. These constituencies in the Giudicato of Gallura were: Taras, Viniola, Montanna, Balayana, Unali, Monte Carello, Geminis, Canhaim, Fundi de Monte, Posada and Galtellì (fig. 2).

Fig. 2 - Giudicato of Gallura, 1935 map (from

The territory of this kingdom extended beyond the current boundaries of the region, from North to South from Valledoria to Codula Luna, bordering to the west with the Giudicato of Torres, to the east with the Tyrrhenian Sea and to the south with the Giudicato of Cagliari.

There is little evidence concerning the Giudicato of Gallura (fig. 3): probably it was the least extensive and least inhabited in respect of the other Sardinian kingdoms. Its population was distributed in villages scattered in the mountainous area. The conclusion of the Giudicato’s autonomy is made to coincide with the years 1288-1298, after nearly a century of political and trade relations with Pisa reinforced by marital unions through which the Tuscan city-state gained direct rule over Gallura.

Fig. 3 - Coat of arms of the Giudicato of Gallura found in Pisa (from

With the death of Nino Visconti (fig. 4), which occurred in 1296, the history of the Giudicato of Gallura ended. After 1297, at various times, Pisa and the Crown of Aragon tried to maintain or impose their dominance over the island, up until the late fourteenth century, when the Aragonese Kingdom concluded its conquest of Sardinia.

Fig. 4 - Image from the Divine Comedy which displays the passage in the Purgatory (Canto VIII) where Dante and Virgil meet Nino di Gallura (from



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