Detailed sheets

Lu pamentu

There are seventeen rectangular rooms arranged around the Palace of Baldu, some of which during the excavations showed different types of flooring, ranging from simple stamped earth floors, to layered and complex examples, such as the case of Lu pamentu. The latter was found in various environments, but the one which until now has best preserved this flooring is room κ (fig. 1).

Fig. 1 - Site plan of the Lu Palatzu of Baldu (Graphic reconstruction by C. Cocco).

The discovery consisted of an under-floor cavity built with various medium and large size stones, onto which a mud mortar was placed with the addition of pieces of bricks and lumps of lime; finally a layer of smooth mortar adjusted the flooring. This technique was used at least until the beginning of the last century (figs. 2-3) and may still be found in various farmhouses in the area.

Fig. 2 - The Palace of Baldu, room κ, lu pamentu during the archaeological investigations (photo by C. Cocco).
Fig. 3 - Survey of room κ with lu pamentu (Graphic reconstruction by C. Cocco).


  • F. PINNA, Organizzazione spaziale e relazioni commerciali di un abitato medievale della Gallura. Nota sugli scavi archeologici nell'area del Palazzo di Baldu (Luogosanto), in Les Habitats insulaires à l’èpoque medievale en Mediterranée, Relation, èchanges, et coopèration en Mediterranée. Actes du 128e Congrés national des sociètès historiques et scientifiques (Bastia, 14-21 aprile 2003), Études Corses, 60, 2005, pp. 85-103.
  • F. PINNA, Archeologia del territorio in Sardegna. La Gallura tra tarda antichità e medioevo, Cagliari 2008.

