In 1984 a medieval necropolis was discovered a few hundred metres from the Castello della Fava, situated in Part'e Sole. The excavation revealed 17 graves (many of them of children), some were pit tombs and others were carved in stone (fig. 1).

Fig. 1 - Necropolis of Part'e Sole (Posada, NU), general plan of the site area (from D’ORIANO et alii 1989, fig. 41).
Most of the artefacts may be dated to a period between the fourteenth and seventeenth centuries. Among the items of clothing some belts stand out, one of which is particularly notable thanks to the refinement of its manufacturing: it was made by
juxtaposing a fabric element, partially preserved, with a double foil one, decorated with silver studs (figs. 1, 2, 3).

Fig. 2 - Metal belts, detail (from D’ORIANO et alii 1989, fig. 47).

Fig. 3 - Metal belts, detail (from D’ORIANO et alii 1989, fig. 47).

Fig. 4 - Metal belts, detail (from D’ORIANO et alii 1989, fig. 47).
- R. D’ORIANO, Posada (Nuoro): necropoli medievale nel centro dell’abitato. Nuovo Bullettino Archeologico Sardo, 1, pp. 382-383.
- R. D’ORIANO ET ALII, Posada. Località Parte Sole, necropoli medievale, in Il Suburbio delle città in Sardegna: persistenze e trasformazioni. Atti del III convegno di studio sull’archeologia tardoromana e altomedievale in Sardegna (Cuglieri, 28-29 Giugno1986). Mediterraneo tardoantico e medioevale. Scavi e ricerche 7, Taranto 1989, pp. 51-58.
- R. MARTORELLI, C. AMANTE SIMONI, I corredi funerari e la suppellettile metallica, in L’archeologia romana e altomedievale nell’Oristanese. Atti del Convegno di Cuglieri (22-23 giugno 1984). Mediterraneo tardoantico e medioevale. Scavi e ricerche 3, Taranto 1986, pp. 161-189.