In Posada (fig. 1), at the foot of the hill on which the medieval Castello della Fava stands, is the location where some scholars place the ancient settlement of "Feronia" (fig. 2), mentioned in the "Geography" treatise by Claudius Ptolemy, hypothesising the founding of a Roman settlement on the east coast of Sardinia during the fourth century B.C. (fig. 3).

This hypothesis is confirmed by the discovery in 1923, in an undisclosed location in Posada, of a bronze statue depicting an Italic-type Heracles, dated between the late fifth and early fourth centuries B.C., whose presence is compatible with the cult of worshipping Feronia and which may have been brought by Roman settlers or by mercenaries from Campania in the service of the Carthaginians.

- PTOLEMAEUS CLAUDIUS, Geografia di Claudio Tolomeo Alessandrino tradotta di greco nell’idioma volgare italiano da Girolamo Ruscelli, Venetia 1599.
- M. TORELLI, Colonizzazioni etrusche e latine di epoca arcaica: un esempio, in Gli Etruschi e Roma, Atti dell'incontro di studio in onore di Massimo Pallottino (Roma, 11-13 dicembre 1979), Roma 1981, pp. 71-82.
- R. D’ ORIANO, Contributo al problema di Feronia polis, in Nuovo Bullettino Archeologico Sardo, II, 1985, p. 240.
- M. BONELLO, A. MASTINO, Il Territorio di Siniscola in età romana, in E. ESPA, Siniscola: dalle origini ai nostri giorni, Ozieri 1994, pp. 157-218.