Portus Luguidonis
During Imperial Roman times, the coastal road a Portu Tibulas - Karalis ran along the east coast of Sardinia, touching Coclearia, Portus Luguidonis and Fanum Carisi.
Many scholars have issued statements concerning the exact location of Portus Luguidonis, which apparently may be connected to the Roman site of Luguido, in the territory of Oschiri. Actually, it is likely that Portus Luguidonis may instead be located in the area of the modern settlement of Saint Lucia Siniscola (figs. 1-3); it can also be put in relation to the church of San Giovanni de Portunovo, as is attested by fifteenth century sources and currently located on the southern edge of the territory of Posada, north of a presumably older seaport. Therefore, the identification of Portus Luguidonis with Feronia may be excluded, which is a name mentioned by the geographer Ptolemy in the second century A.D. and which some have placed at the mouth of the Rio Posada, at the foot of the hill on which the town by the same name arose during the Middle Ages.

- V. ANGIUS, Posada, in G. CASALIS, Dizionario geografico storico-statistico-commerciale degli Stati di S.M. il re di Sardegna, XV, Torino 1847, pp. 672-691.
- M. BONELLO, A. MASTINO, Il Territorio di Siniscola in età romana, in E. ESPA, Siniscola: dalle origini ai nostri giorni, Ozieri 1994, pp. 157-218.
- M. CADINU, Urbanistica medievale in Sardegna, Roma 2001.
- A. CASTELLACCIO, Note sul castello de La Fava di Posada, in Medioevo. Saggi e rassegne,15, pp. 55-84.
- A. DELLA MARMORA, Itinéraire de l’île de Sardaigne, II, Turin 1860.
- G. FLORIS, Il castello medioevale della Fava (Posada), in Acta historica et archaeologica mediaevalia, 29, pp. 257-297.
- A. MASTINO, Storia della Sardegna antica, Nuoro 2005.
- D. PANEDDA, Il Giudicato di Gallura. Curatorie e centri abitati, Sassari 1978.
- L. PILONI, Carte geografiche della Sardegna, Cagliari 1997.
- C. ZEDDA, Le città della Gallura Medioevale. Commercio, società e istituzioni. Ricerche storiche 4. Cagliari 2003.
- G. ZIROTTU, Posada. Un borgo sardo e il suo castello, Nuoro 1999.