A series of inscriptions with dedication to the Nymphs, divinities of nature and waters, were found in the Baths complex of Fordongianus, some of which reused in late Roman Times to replace some pool steps (fig. 1).

Fig. 1 - Fragments of inscriptions reused as steps in the natatio (photo by Unicity S.p.A.)
These epigraphs show us how important the cult was, proved by eight dedications, with important personalities of Roman Sardinia as the dedicating parties, like governors, attorneys, prefects and their family members (figs. 2-3).

Fig. 2 - Fragment of an inscription reused as a step in the natatio, with dedication to the health Nymphs
by Elio Peregrino, prefect of the province Sardinia (photo by Unicity S.p.A.)
by Elio Peregrino, prefect of the province Sardinia (photo by Unicity S.p.A.)

Fig. 3 - Fragment of the inscription reused as a step in the natatio, with dedication to (photo by Unicity S.p.A.)
In one inscription, the Nymphs are called Augustae, connecting them to the imperial cult, an aspect not frequently declared.
The importance of the imperial cult in Fordongianus can also be found in inscriptions to emperors found in the habitat.
- G. SOTGIU, Iscrizioni latine della Sardegna, Padova, 1961, pp. 125-136.
- G. SOTGIU, Ricerche epigrafiche a Fordongianus (Cagliari), in Epigrafia. Actes du colloque international d'épigraphie latine en mémoire de Attilio Degrassi pour le centenaire de sa naissance, Roma 1991, pp. 725-731.