Items from the Hellenistic Age
The Hellenistic phase (which traditionally begins in 323 B.C. the date when Alexander the Great died) is actually not much represented in the Monte Sirai tombs, although research, given the documentation of the built-up area and the chronology of the tophet (figs. 1-2), will probably find burials of people who lived in Monte Sirai in those two and a half centuries.

Figs. 1-2 - Ceramics from the tophet (BARTOLONI 1982, fig. 5); context 2nd century B.C. Of the dwelling area, area C64 (GUIRGUIS 2013, fig. 24).
So far in the necropolises, we have drawn close to the initial phase of the Hellenistic period, as can be seen in the documentation of tombs 234-235-241, a pit that contained three buried bodies (one of which was definitely a child), with ceramics and other items (figs. 3-4) dated around 350 B.C. or shortly after.

Figs. 3-4 - Ceramics from tomb 234-235-241 (GUIRGUIS 2010, figs. 64-70).
- P. BARTOLONI, Monte Sirai 1981. La ceramica del tofet, in RStudFen, X, pp. 283-290.
- M. GUIRGUIS, Necropoli fenicia e punica di Monte Sirai. Indagini archeologiche 2005-2007 (Studi di Storia Antica e di Archeologia, 7), Ortacesus 2010.
- M. GUIRGUIS, Monte Sirai 1963-2013 mezzo secolo di indagini archeologiche, Sassari.