Detailed sheets

Insula ‘C’

In the heavily constructed area of Monte Sirai, insula C has a compact development that ends in the south-east with a rounded outline (figs. 1-2).

Figs. 1-2 - Monte Sirai (photo Unicity S.p.A.); map (drawn up by GUIRGUIS 2013, fig. 11)


The insula has three noticeable houses: at the northern end, ‘Casa Amadasi’, in the centre ‘Casa del lucernario di talco’. Close to it, onto the street no. 4, is the “Casa di tufo”. The history of Monte Sirai shows the maximum expansion of its dwelling area between the 4th and 2nd century B.C., but in the ‘Casa del lucernario di talco’ and above all in the southern sectors that enclose the insula (figs. 3-4), the archaeological items from the Phoenician age and of Greek production (fig. 5) show the first presence and first building phases of the site.

Figs. 3-4 - Details from sector C-South (GUIRGUIS 2013, figs. 22-23)
Fig. 5 - Aryballos (vase for perfumed ointments) from room C 66. Corinthian production, 575-550 B.C. (GUIRGUIS, UNALI 2014, tab. 32)



  • M. GUIRGUIS, Monte Sirai 1963-2013 mezzo secolo di indagini archeologiche, Sassari.
  • M. GUIRGUIS, A. UNALI (a cura di), Summer School di Archeologia fenicio-punica, Atti 2012 (Quaderni di Archeologia Sulcitana, 5).

