Tomb in chamber no. 1
Tomb no. 1 is in the eastern part of the hypogeum necropolis, alongside tomb no. 2.
Further east is the cremation necropolis (fig. 1). The tomb is dug into the tufa rock, like the others in the necropolis that dates back to the historical Carthage age and can be dated between 500 and 250 B.C. approximately. An access corridor, called a dromos, leads to the sepulchral chamber (fig. 2).

In the square chamber, at least two people were buried in sarcophaguses built into the rock (fig. 3) arranged along the eastern wall. The other walls have niches in them.
The illegal diggers had ample opportunity to work in Monte Sirai, detaching a head from the ceiling it was sculpted into. Fortunately it was found and can now be seen in the National Archaeological Museum of Cagliari.

- M. G. AMADASI - I. BRANCOLI, La necropoli, in MONTE SIRAI – II, Roma, pp. 95-121.
- P. BARTOLONI, La necropoli di Monte Sirai - I (Collezione di Studi Fenici, 41), Roma.
- P. BARTOLONI, Monte Sirai, Sassari.
- M. H. FANTAR, D. FANTAR, La nécropole, in MONTE SIRAI – IV, Roma 1967, pp. 63-81.
- M. GUIRGUIS, Monte Sirai 1963-2013 mezzo secolo di indagini archeologiche, Sassari.