Detailed sheets

Inside the dome

The church which can currently be seen is the result of the changes, restructuring and decline which occurred over the centuries: the first construction dates back to the Byzantine era, between the second half of the sixth and the early seventh centuries, with the domed body, cross plan and three nave transepts, of which only the central structure and residues of its rectangular apse remain.

The dome (fig. 1) which closes the central structure at the top is set on four strong pillars that support the arches; cloisonné columns with salvaged bases and capitals are located in the inner corners of the pillars. The insertion of the round element on the squared tambour is solved by half cross vaults (fig. 2), rebuilt in the eleventh century, generated by arches supported by four pairs of shelves decorated with phyto-zoo-anthropomorphic patterns (i.e. plants, animals and human pictures).

An inscription runs along the soffit; this is made by inserting pieces of volcanic stone and starts with the cross followed by the text "Deus qui incoasti perfice usque in finem", i.e.: "Lord, you who started (the work), complete it "(fig. 3). According to the chronicles of the time, during the seventeenth century the dome was covered with mosaics with the figure of Christ and traces of frescoes could still be seen in the twentieth century.

Fig. 1 - The dome seen from inside and from below (photo by Unicity S.p.A.).
Fig. 2 - Detail of the connecting half cross vault between the round dome and the squared tambour (photo by Unicity S.p.A.).
Fig. 3 - Inscriptions on the blocks at the base of the dome (photo by Unicity S.p.A.).


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