Detailed sheets

Anthropomorphic burials

There are several tomb types in the cemetery areas of Columbaris (figs. 1-2). Some going continuously from the IV to the VII century A.D., period during which the cemetery was used. Of the 157 tombs analysed there are 15 anthropomorphic burials.

Fig. 1 - Reconstruction of the funeral area (from Cornus I.1, p. 203, Tab. IV).
Fig. 2 - Map of the Columbaris-Cornus complex with indication of stages and sectors (drawing by L. SALADINO, M. C. SOMMA, from Cornus I.1, p. 200, tab. II).

Anthropomorphic burials (fig. 3) are ditches delimited and covered by tiles (tabs. 73, 75) or by limestone and phonolite slabs (tabs. 78-79, 84-86); the cover is flat. The deceased is laid on the bare earth. They refer to the last phase of attendance for type and grave goods.

Fig. 3 - Anthropomorphic tomb (from Cornus I.1, p. 217, fig. 88).


  • Cornus I.1 = A. M. GIUNTELLA, Cornus I.1. L'area cimiteriale orientale = Mediterraneo tardoantico e medievale. Scavi e ricerche, 13. 1, Oristano 1999, pp. 89-94, 95, 200, 203, 213, 216-217, 221.

