Detailed sheets

Altar of the main basilica

The episcopal complex including the main basilica, with the bishop's altar and that of the baptistery (fig. 1) rise on the southern area of Columbaris. In the cathedral's central nave a table altar is still visible (fig. 2) formed by a limestone and brick block base with a slab of light grey basalt on it. The altar measures 1.41x1.85 metres; underneath there was a ditch for relics filled with earth and covered with a mosaic panel. There are still four bases next to it which, in ancient times,  held the four columns sustaining the ciborium. The latter was a kind of canopy which probably covered the altar itself, as a place where the Eucharist took place. The off-centre position of the table has led to the conclusion that the two elements refer to two different stages. The tegurium was decommissioned when the central nave was narrowed; when, most likely around the VI century, the floor was raised. In catholic liturgy, the altar represents the table of the Last Supper and the sacrifice of Christ in the Eucharist.


Fig. 1 - Episcopal basilica (from FARRIS 1993, p. 100, Tab. 5).


Fig. 2 - Main basilica: the altar base in grey basalt in the centre (from FARRIS 1993, p. 86).




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