Bronze buttons
The earth layers filling the funerary crypt under the central nave of the church of Sant’Eulalia held a considerable number of buttons (figs. 1-5), many of which made of bronze in various sizes.

Fig. 1 - Bronze buttons with fabric textures (photo by Unicity S.p.A.).

Fig. 2 - Buttons in their current place in the archaeological area (photo by Unicity S.p.A.).

Fig. 3 - Group of buttons (from Pinna 2003b, p. 334, fig. 7).
It is thought that some bigger, disc-shaped examples possibly closed the ends of a cape (fig. 4). Finds include more particular clothing items like cuff-links (fig. 5).

Fig. 4 - Flat button for cape (from Pinna 2003b, p. 334, fig. 8).

Fig. 5 - Pair of cuff links (from Pinna 2003b, p. 334, fig. 9).
- F. PINNA, Il corredo funerario nella Sardegna post-medievale: la cripta della chiesa di S. Eulalia a Cagliari, in S. LUSUARDI SIENA (a cura di), Fonti archeologiche e iconografiche per la storia e la cultura degli insediamenti nell'altomedioevo, in Atti delle giornate di studio (Milano-Vercelli, 21-22 marzo 2003) = Contributi di Archeologia, 3, Milano 2003, pp. 323-335.