Bottle-shaped cistern
In the floor of the Sant’Eulalia portico area, you have the mouth of a "bottle” or “bell-shaped” cistern (fig. 1), 6m deep, 5.40m wide at its base and waterproofed with opus signinum on the entire inner surface.

Fig. 1 - Bottle-shaped cistern: mouth (photo by Unicity S.p.A.).
Its mouth is a strong stone slab with a hole in the centre, and the marks of ropes used to draw water are visible on the circumference (fig. 2).

Fig. 2 - Drawing reconstructing the cistern and what it was used for (drawing by F. Nieddu).
When it was found, the ring hole was closed by a block of limestone, acting as a lid (fig. 3). They are usually dug almost entirely in bedrock, are elongated in shape and more or less narrow to allow for a jutting vaulted roof.

Fig. 3 - Block closing the cistern (photo by Unicity S.p.A.).
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